Saturday, May 11, 2024

StorageGrid notes

Day 1 Training Balancing Clinet access 1) No load balancing 2) DNS Round Robin 3) Connection Load balancer (CLB) service 4) Load balacer service. ( Recommended) Archive Node - VM -> About to extinct Optimal Storage Nodes Administrative Domain Controller ( ADC) Gateway ADC SSM LDR DMV Query ADC ADC returns list Gateway talk to LDR on node based on first one in the list When writes comes in 1) Goes to optimal 2) copy to second optimal 3) send ack when read request 1) Query the node 2) Query Cassandra database 3) Find which node has the data 4) send databack to node received request and send to user 5) LDR finds the node SG6060, SGF6060 SAS All Flash ILM protection policy rules Erasure coding Data pieces Parity Pieces Order of sequence 1) Dual commit on write 2) Ack 3) run ILM policy 4) ILM policy is long term protection ILM policy is the protection policy Workflow during object replication ILM engine in the LDR service evaluates ILM policy rules and determines that an object should be replicated 1) ILM engine sends a replicaiton request to the optimal Dest SN 2) Destination Storage Node LDR retrives object from SN 3) Destination storage node LDR writes to object storage 4) Destation storage node LDR sends object metadata to the DDS service 5) DDS service replicates the metadata and CMN service - runs on primary. configuration management while pimary is down -> you can not make any config changes, upgrades Chapter 2 Storage GRID Grid Manager 1) StorageGrid Topology tree 1) GRID Health 2) Information lifecycle management(ILM) activity 3) client activity Grid administrators use Grid manager to create 1) Storage tenant accounts, 2) manage ILM policiies and rules 3) configure grid nodes and services 4) perform maintenance Grid Topology Tree 1) Grid Site Grid Node Node services Service components Analyzing storage node SSM service components Storage Node Server status Monitor (SSM) service state number of threads CPU Load amount of memory consumed by the service Link Cost Cost of communication between data center sites ADC uses link cost to determine the Grid node to retrivet he object 0 - 100 Object Transformation Grid Options 1) compressed (LZW algorithm) default off 2) encrypted ( AES-128 or AES-256) default off 3) Segmented 4) object hasing by default SHA-1 5) prevent client modify ( default off) x-amz-server-side-encryption in the HTTP header to enable encryption per object Transfermation Option: Segmentation single control block identifier ( CBID) object container segment container that lists the header information of all segments as content default max segment size is 1 GB StorageGRID object durability options Dual commitment Stored object hashing prevent client modify Dual commit Stored Object hashing Fingerprinting is used to protect the integrity of stored objects object hash information stored in content management database (CMDB) Distributed Data Store(DDS) service ILM evaluation ILM Policy Object Ingest Prevent client modify : is a system wide setting StorageGRID Administrators root account Configuring Identity Federation enable identity federation 2 certificates. one for grid management interface Storage nodes and API gateway nodes Obtaining the StorageGRID CA Certificate Day 2 Training Storage Tenant Administration: create Tenant as management unit Tenants created based on management Metadata Grid admin create tenants Tenant admin create buckets Bucket contains data volumes under the nodes are filesystems part of physical Tenant account based on entities YOu can setup access between the buckets. relationship can be setup 1) Creating a Tenant account 1) Tenant 2) Create Allow platform services is disabled Tenant authentication local user root account for Tenant Grid admin knows tenant admin creds Tenant admin can manage and change password, Tenant admin can block Grid admin from managing AS grid admin, password can be modified for Tenant Grid admin configures access to the bucket Once you login in to tenant admin, you can configure Identiy federation Grid admin knows Teanant admin password Tenant manager webpage To long into tenant manager webpage add account ID in URL ex: https:///?accountid= URL for Tenant manager can be accessed from StorageGRID webpage root accounts are at Grid level root accounts are at Tenant level as well Tenant Manager Dashboard depends on Quota utilization will be displayed S3 policy - Allows Group of users access / manage S3 buckets in specific Tenant you can create multiple groups to manage different set of buckets to manage Group Policy: { "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*" , "Resrouce": "arn:aws:s3:::*" } } } S3 Access Keys each user of an S3 tenant account must have an access key to store and retrieve objects Grid admins cannot create bucket Only Tenant admins create bucket Quota is set at Tenant level not bucket level S3 API only Tenant admin manage buckets Access key is like username password compliance can be done at Grid level or Bucket level no Tenant level Access keys Control access to the bucket Connect to Tenant manager Create Access Keys and set expiration time Access Key ID: Secret Access Key: either create 1 key for multiple buckets or create 1 key for each bucket Bucket access control: path-style URL: You will never have to change certificate. path style URL requests do not include the bucket name in the domain name virtua-hosted-syle URL requests include the bucket name in the domain name http://bucket_name.host_name.domain_name buckets and objects are resources that are accessed by using a unique resource identifier Cloud Mirror Replication Endpoints Universal resource identifier ( URI) Destination host and port For a StorageGRID destination API Gateway node for storage node port 8082 URN: destination S3 bucket For AWS as destination arn:aws:s3:::bucket_name for StorageGRID as destination urn:sgws:s3:::Bucket_name Controlling access to buckets and Objects Bucket policies: are configured using the S3 REST API control access from specific users and groups to a bucket and to the objects in the bucket apply to only one bucket but possibly to multiple users and groups Group Policies: are configured using tenant Manager or the tenant managment API Give the group members access to speicific resources Apply to only one group but possibly to mulitple buckets Bucket configuration options: Creating compliant buckets: U will need to enable at Grid level to enable at bucket lelve Bucket details: Name Region compliance enable compliance check box retention period after retention period. Legal hold : if you check, data becomes undeletable, non modifiable when you uncheck data can be deletable as per retention policy consistency level: Default consistency level default update database Grid wide 1 copy on B and 1 copy on C database knows where data is then ILM policy kicks in dual commit. , ack, and then ILM rule when update comes in, it creates new object, does not modify existing Object consistency is perfromed eventually for Strong site: increase database replicaiton with in site for Strong Global: increase database replication across GRID which could lead to poor performance Last access time update: default disable Plastform services: compute network storage lambda serverless compute Notifications: OCR Example Day 3 Training ILM policies rules Grid manager defines protection Grid manager talk to tenants and how it want to protect Grid manager only one that makes rules ILM rules ILM rules ->. Filter and type of protoection Filter -> what you want to protect Protection -> 1 copy in A and 1 copy in B rule1.tenant1.bucket1. 1 copy in A and 1 copy in B ILM Policy collection of rules policies are prioritized Rule1 rule2 order of rule matters Filter -> Filter based on anything protection -> how many copies and where Filters identify which rule applies to an object basic rules advanced rules 11.5 -> 11.3 -> one tenant per rule Object Last Access Time updates Advanced Filter: Metadata Type Ingest Time Last access time Key Object Size (MB) user metadata Location Constraint Object Tag ( S3 only) - recommended with S3 Key-value pair key:value are defined by application owner storage admin usse key value but not create key vaulue Rule put object in Storage pool Storage pool is collection of nodes with similar attributes Site A: A-Cap-Pool A-perf-Pool Stoage poolA Storage PoolB Storage poolC Storage Grades: default 0 performance 1 capacity 2 secure 3 If you do not assign grade default 0, all are treate dsame capex - Capital expenditure opex - operating expenditure 2 different budgets Erasure Coding: regionally distributed erasure coding (6+3+ 6 data 3 parity 1 GB = 1.5 gb stored (erasure coding) 1 gb = 3 gb stored (multiple copies) erasure coding drawback is latency re-assemble packets copy packets from remote site during the write you will not experice any latency for read you will experience any latency Each site will have thier own gateway Gateway node for each site -> 2 of them per site ILM Policy creation: Define Storage Grades (optional) Assign Storage grades to Storage Nodes Configure Storage Pools Define S3 Regions Create ILM Rules Configure the proposed ILM policy Activate the ILM policy ILM rule object placement one copy in DC1 one copy in DC2 one copy in DC3 ILM Rule ingest Behaviour 11.5 balanced is default Strict, Balanced and dual commit After policy is created, Add rules to it always test your policy Use extreme caution when modifying ILM policies and rules Always simulate and validate a proposed ILM policy before activating the policy when a new ILM policy is activated, ILM policy rules are appllied Any time new rule is made, simulate and test Verify Object Placement Lookup section helps to troubleshoot performance issues it finds where the object is located rebuild objects Object metadata lookup. Object. <>. Lookup Day 4 Training Monitoring Unknown - most severe current alarms DCM Alarm Class Types There are 3 classes of alarms Default alarms Global custom alarms Custom alarms Node level alarms Custom Grid level Grid Manager Attribute Charts Grafana Auto support Audit logs - gathered by Admin node not very human readable netapp has tools that are more readable command line tool that can be readable Off, Error, Normal, Debug (Trace logging) audit logs are stored in /var/local/audit/export Audit-expalin tool for readable audit-explain audit.log audit-explain 2019-08-12.txt.gz audit node can make the audit log directory accessible to client hosts To share the autdit log files run CIFS utility start CIFS configuration utility : config_cifs.rb For NFS config_nfs.rb add-audit-share add-ip-to-share validate-config Monitoring to Stop and Start service you need to run from CLI storagegrid-status Server manager to stop, start, restart services Stopping and Starting all storageGRID Node services Stop all node services /etc/init.d/servermanager stop Start. /etc/init.d/servermanager start restart all node services /etc/init.d/servermanager restart Physical appliances are extremely robust For one particular service service status service start service stop force anode service to stop sv -w